There are three areas which I am passionate about promoting in Primary Schools: outdoor learning for all years, physical activity as an integral part of life and learning, and interdisciplinary learning. I believe that when learning is linked across the curriculum in a real-world context, it makes sense to learners.
There are three areas which I am passionate about promoting in Primary Schools: outdoor learning for all years, physical activity as an integral part of life and learning, and interdisciplinary learning. I believe that when learning is linked across the curriculum in a real-world context, it makes sense to learners.
This document describes the Starter For Ten Enterprise Project in detail. It explains what the project is about and what it involves. It includes tips on funding the project, spending any profit and timing the project. The sequence of fourteen lessons is described with an overview of each lesson provided.
A set of four letters to be sent out to parents during the Starter For Ten Enterprise Project. All four letters are designed to be customised with the specifics of the class.
Letter 1 should be sent out to parents of all children in the class at the very start of the project. The children will be excited about the project and will inevitably talk about it at home. It is best to explain the project to parents as early as possible.
Letter 2 should be sent to parents following lesson 10. A copy of each child’s business plan should be included with the letter.
Letter 3 is aimed at all parents within the school. This should be sent out just before the businesses begin their sales. This allows parents to understand the project and provide their children with money to participate as consumers.
Letter 4 should be sent out part way through sales, if it is judged necessary by the class teacher.
Lesson plans for a whole class study of A Walk in the Park by Anthony Browne.
A series of two lessons designed to follow whole class reading of the picture book.
The lessons are suitable for Primary 1 to 3 classes (Scotland) with First level Curriculum for Excellence links highlighted.
Suitable for KS1 classes (England).
Lesson plans for a whole class study of Curious George Rides A Bike by H. A. Rey.
Two lessons designed to follow whole class reading of the picture book. Lesson plans and worksheets are included.
The lessons are suitable for Primary 2 to 4 classes (Scotland) with First level Curriculum for Excellence links highlighted.
Suitable for KS1 classes (England).
Lesson plans for a whole class study of Sally Jean the Bicycle Queen by Cari Best.
A series of four lessons designed to follow whole class reading of the picture book.
The lessons are suitable for Primary 2 to 4 classes (Scotland) with First level Curriculum for Excellence links highlighted.
Suitable for KS1 classes (England).
This is the tenth lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
During this lesson the children will learn about what a business plan is and why businesses create them. They will discuss a theoretical example of a business plan as a whole class. Each business will then work together to create their own business plan. Ideally this should be done on a computer by filling in the business plan template. If this is not possible, the business plans could be written by hand.
I can work with my group to create a detailed and informative business plan.
This is the fourth lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
During this lesson the class will discuss the constraints which the businesses will operate under. Each business will consider their customer base and the likelihood of their ideas making a profit. They will then choose the business idea which they want to run and present their idea to the rest of the class. Each group will then write a business outline which they will present to the Head Teacher in order to be granted permission to operate.
1. I can talk and listen within my group to agree on a business idea.
2. I can talk and listen within my group to write a Business Outline and present it confidently to the Head Teacher.
This is the seventh lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
NOTE: This lesson can be skipped if the class voted not to contribute a percentage of any profits to charity in lesson 3.
In this lesson the children think about issues which concern them and research charities which take action on these issues. After research on the internet the children present their chosen charity to the class. A confidential vote is then taken to choose the charity which the class will donate to.
I can contribute my views and opinions to a whole class decision.
This is the ninth lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
During this lesson the uses of Market Research for businesses are discussed using a theoretical business ‘The Pencil Case Company’ as an example. The children then design, conduct and present their own market research.
1. I can create a questionnaire which will provide me with information to help my business.
2. I can analyse and present data to show what my customers want from my business.
This is the twelfth lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
In this lesson the children will learn a number of financial terms. They will find out about the financial records which they will keep. The class will look at their cash flow sheet and discuss how to complete it. They will then look at the Excel spreadsheet which will be their balance sheet. After experimenting with the spreadsheet and discussing the purpose of the formula bar, the businesses will save a balance sheet to use throughout the project.
1. I can define the terms; cash flow, cash inflow, cash outflow, net cash flow, revenue, costs, profit, loss, profit motive, gross income and net income.
2. I can describe the difference between a cash flow sheet and a balance sheet.
3. I can explain how using formulae in an Excel spreadsheet can make calculations easier.
This is the fifth lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
In this lesson the children will consider what makes a good business name and logo. They will then work in their business groups to create their own name and logo.
I can work with my business group to create an effective name and logo for our company.
This is the final lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
In this lesson the children work in their business groups to evaluate the Starter For Ten project. They then consider their own personal learning from the project. Finally, the children work in new groups to consider what more they would like to learn.
1. I can work with others to evaluate the success of a project.
2. I can describe my own learning.
3. I can work with others to identify what I want to learn next.
This is the first lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
Lesson 1 provides an introduction to the ‘Starter For Ten’ project without yet explaining the full project to the children. The class learns what an entrepreneur is and discusses why people might want to be entrepreneurs. A range of quotes spark discussions relevant to entrepreneurship. Following the presentation, the children work in small groups to create and present a poster about a well-known entrepreneur to the rest of the class.
1. I can describe what an entrepreneur is.
2. I can work with a group to present information to the class.
3. I can put factual information into my own words.
This is the second lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
In this lesson the class discuss the qualities of successful entrepreneurs. They then relate these to themselves and identify their own qualities which could help them when they start their business. More detail of the ‘Starter For Ten’ project is given to the pupils in this lesson. The children then form themselves into business groups and begin brainstorming business ideas.
1. I can identify qualities in myself which could help me as an entrepreneur.
2. I can find appropriate business partners.
This is the third lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
In this lesson the children will make some key decisions, as a whole class. First the children decide what they would like to do with any profit the businesses within the class make. Next they learn about philanthropy and Andrew Carnegie. They then have to decide together whether to pledge a percentage of any profits to charity. If they decide to do so, the children then agree what percentage they will donate. The class also decide whether to compare how individual businesses are doing throughout the project. Finally, the class agree a ‘Class Business Charter’.
1. I can contribute to a discussion on what to do with any class profit.
2. I can contribute to a ‘Class Business Charter’ giving guidelines to the class businesses.
This is the eighth lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
NOTE: This lesson can be run as one session or split into two, with costing work by the businesses as homework after part one (slide 11).
During the lesson the children will work in their business groups to decide what they should charge for their product or service. Each business will identify the costs of the items they will need. They will then look at the different options they might have and how these options will affect their income. The businesses will then decide a cost for their product or service.
1. I can identify products which are good value.
2. I can calculate the cost of making a product.
3. I can identify a price which will allow my business to make a profit from our product or service.
This is the thirteenth lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
In this lesson the children will consider how and why they should review how their business is doing after each sale. The businesses will be provided with a PowerPoint presentation template which they will use to present their reviews to the rest of the class. The children will discuss identifying what has gone well and what could be improved and also how to make a plan so they can achieve improvements.
It is suggested that, following this lesson, each business creates a progress report PowerPoint after each of their four sales.
1. I can identify what my group has done well and areas for improvement. I can contribute to a plan to achieve improvements.
2. I can contribute to group presentations to the rest of the class.
3. I can use some of the features of PowerPoint to create an interesting presentation.
This is the sixth lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
In this lesson the children learn about different roles within businesses. The class discusses the four different roles which will be adopted within each business. Following group discussions, the children agree their roles and complete a worksheet in which they explain why they are best suited to that particular role.
I can identify the best role in my business for myself and my peers.
This is the eleventh lesson in a series of fourteen which make up the Starter For Ten project. Starter For Ten is a whole term, cross-curricular project for upper primary classes. A series of lessons provide the class with the knowledge and skills they need to start their own businesses in small groups. Groups are loaned £10 to start their business with the businesses running for four weeks after around six weeks learning and preparation.
Starter For Ten provides a highly motivating, real world context for learning with pupils taking full responsibility for their businesses. The pupils are also responsible for making key decisions including what to spend any profit on and whether to act as philanthropists and opt to donate a proportion of their income to charity.
The full project covers a number of curriculum areas: literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, religious and moral education, social studies and technologies. All lessons are fully linked to the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence.
Each of the fourteen lessons includes a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and any worksheets or other resources required. Lesson plans include learning objectives, suggestions for differentiation, a starter activity, a main lesson, a plenary activity, suggestions for further development, opportunities for display, and relevant second level Curriculum For Excellence experiences and outcomes.
In this lesson the children will learn about what advertising is and how it works. They will discuss features of effective adverts and some advertising techniques. The children will then work in their business groups to design posters to advertise their products or services.
1. I can describe what advertising does.
2. I can describe some of the features used by advertisements.
3. I can work with my business group to create posters to advertise our product or service.
Action Stations is a six-week, whole-school homework project. It aims to raise awareness amongst pupils and their families, of their own levels of physical activity, the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines and the health implications of a lack of physical activity. Action Stations also develops numeracy skills with the completion of tables and literacy skills through a written element to the homework.
The project asks children to record an adult in their family's physical activity levels for two weeks, and to compare their findings with the WHO's recommendations. Following this, they then record their own levels of physical activity for two weeks. Again, the children are asked to compare their findings against the WHO recommendations.
It is vital that parents and carers do not view this project as intrusive and judgemental. The tables where physical activity levels are recorded are designed not to be returned to school and it is stressed to parents that the school does not need to know whether they or their children met the targets. The project aims to raise awareness amongst the school community and to provide a real-world context in which to practise literacy and numeracy skills. Both parts of the project include a sheet to be returned to the school so that homework completion can be monitored.
If the school is considering a school travel plan (STP), work to promote active travel to school, or any other form of promotion of physical activity, this homework project is an excellent place to start. It is hoped that taking part in the project will encourage less active families to consider where they might find space for physical activity in their lives. The school run, for some, can provide an excellent opportunity for this.
Physical activity should be seen as distinct from sport. While sport encompasses physical activity, people can be physically active without ever taking part in sport. Meeting the WHO guidelines is about making physical activity a part of normal daily life.